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Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 33Jan.-Dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551604


INTRODUÇÃO: Os programas de iniciação científica e pós-graduação são um instrumento essencial na formação de recursos humanos e na perpetuação da produção científica nacional. O papel dos professores pesquisadores no adequado desenvolvimento científico dos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação tem sido continuamente reafirmado em diversas pesquisas sobre a qualidade do ensino superior brasileiro, apesar da contínua desvalorização das universidades públicas no país. Avaliar a carreira e o perfil dos bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa pode fornecer elementos em relação ao impacto desses profissionais no ensino, na pesquisa e na internacionalização das universidades. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil profissional e a produção científica dos bolsistas do Programa de Produtividade em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo baseado na análise de dados públicos disponíveis na Plataforma Lattes. Os bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa foram apurados com base nos resultados dos editais de 2013, 2016 e 2019. RESULTADOS: A análise das variáveis evidenciou diminuição do número de docentes bolsistas da instituição, que passou de 34 para 29. Observamos um número significativamente maior de projetos financiados por profissionais do sexo masculino quando comparados às pesquisadoras (p=0,03) e uma forte correlação entre os anos de doutorado e o número de doutores orientados que atualmente se dedicam à pesquisa. CONCLUSÃO: Professores pesquisadores exercem impacto direto na formação de recursos humanos qualificados e na formação de recursos humanos qualificados e na internacionalização das universidades públicas.

INTRODUCTION: Mentoring through scientific initiation and post-graduate programs are an essential instrument on the formation of human resources and the perpetuation of national scientific production. The role of research professors in the proper scientific development of graduate and post-graduate medical students has been continuously reaffirmed in several surveys on the quality of Brazilian superior education, despite the continuous desvalorization of higher education in the country. Determine the career and profile of research productivity fellows could measure the impact of these professionals in teaching, researching and internationalization of our university. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the professional profile and scientific production of the Productivity in Research Program fellows from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. METHODS: This descriptive study is based on the analysis of public data available at Lattes Platform. Research productivity fellows were determined based on the results of the 2013, 2016 and 2019 calls for tenders. RESULTS: Analysis of the variables showed a decrease in the number of professors with scholarships at the institution, which went from 34 to 29. We observed a significantly higher number of funded projects of male professionals when compared to female researchers (p=0.03) and a strong correlation between years of doctorate degree and the number of mentored doctors currently dedicating to research. CONCLUSION: Experient research professors exert direct impact on the formation of qualified human resources and the internationalization of the federal university.

Scientific Research and Technological Development , Research and Development Projects , Education, Medical, Graduate/statistics & numerical data , Health Research Evaluation
Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 356-364, ago.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531442


Neste este artigo focalizamos a modalidade de relação que o pesquisador engendra com o seu campo de investigação ­ o campo das experiências humanas ­ a fim de delinear um pensamento que possa funcionar como horizonte dos procedimentos metodológicos utilizados nas pesquisas stricto sensu conduzidas em nosso grupo. Trata-se de pôr em questão o par sujeito-objeto, de modo a transpassar o realismo científico e os meros construtivimos. Trazemos para nossa argumentação um panorama genealógico da noção de sujeito para chegar ao deslocamento de sua posição perante os objetos produzido por Kant (1787/1974). Em solo kantiano ­ e permitindo-nos arriscar além dele ­ parece-nos legítimo semear a ideia de que as investigações por nós conduzidas, do recorte das experiências humanas considerado, podem ter como alvo a circunscrição da potência da coisa (do material, da exterioridade, do objeto, como quer que a designemos) de afetar o pesquisador. E, com certo atrevimento, apostamos na noção de campo transferencial como referência ao que precede e acompanha a captura e o registro da potência de afetar da coisa, esta necessariamente pertencente à esfera do não-antecipável, porquanto da ordem do acontecimento. Propomos como condição e consequência de nossa posição epistemológica a construção de cenas-acontecimento como forma de apresentação dos resultados da pesquisa.

In this article, we focus on the modality of relationship that the researcher establishes with their investigation field­the field of human experience­to delineate a thought that could serve as a horizon for the methodological procedures used in the stricto sensu research conducted by the group. It brings to question the subject-object pair in the way to transcend the scientific realism and the mere constructionism. We bring forth to our argumentation a genealogical panorama of the notion of the subject to reach the displacement of its position towards the objects produced by Kant (1787/1974). On Kantian soil­and allowing ourselves to venture beyond it­it seems legitimate to sow the idea that the investigations conducted by us may have as targets the circumscription of the potency of the thing (of the material, of the exteriority, of the object, however it is that we designate it) to affect the researcher. And, with a degree of boldness, we bet on the notion of transference field as reference to what precedes and follows the capture and registry of potency to affect the thing it necessarily belongs to the sphere of the unpredictable, whilst the order of the event. We propose, as condition and consequence of our epistemological position, the construction of event-scenes as a way of presenting the results of research.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536541


(analítico) El objetivo de esta investigación es entender la incidencia del papel de los directivos docentes en el fomento de la investigación científica en los niños, niñas y adolescentes de las instituciones educativas públicas de una región colombiana. Se realizó un estudio no experimental transversal y descriptivo, con 73 rectores de planteles urbanos y rurales, usando como estrategia de análisis el enfoque cualitativo con una orientación hacia la sistematización del fenómeno, primero desde la experiencia administrativa y, segundo, desde las capacidades para promover una educación científica. Los resultados consideran tres retos de la gestión del administrador de la educación: las relaciones con los integrantes de la comunidad educativa, la capacidad para gestionar los recursos y la articulación entre los fines pedagógicos institucionales y la gestión humana con los docentes.

(analytical) The objective of this research was to understand the role of principles in the promotion of scientific research with children and adolescents studying in public schools in a specific region in Colombia. A non-experimental cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out with 73 principals from urban and rural campuses. The study used a qualitative approach as an analytical strategy that was focused on systematizing the phenomenon. This was based on both the administrative experience and capabilities to promote science education. The results identify three management challenges for principals: relationships with members of the educational community; the ability to manage resources; and articulation between institutional pedagogical objectives and human resources management with teachers.

(analítico) O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender a incidência do papel dos diretores de ensino na promoção da pesquisa científica em crianças e adolescentes de instituições públicas de ensino em uma região colombiana. Foi realizado um estudo transversal não experimental e descritivo com setenta e três diretores de campi urbano e rural, utilizando a abordagem qualitativa como estratégia de análise com orientação para a sistematização do fenômeno, primeiro, a partir da experiência administra-tiva e, segundo, das capacidades para promover a educação científica. Os resultados consideram três desafios de gestão do gestor educacional: as relações com os membros da comunidade educativa, a capacidade de gestão de recursos e a articulação entre os propósitos pedagógicos institucionais e a gestão humana com os professores.

Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e91552, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1520781


RESUMO: Objetivo: analisar a aplicação do design thinking à produção científica de um Programa de Pós-Graduação de Enfermagem. Método pesquisa documental, descritiva, retrospectiva e de abordagem qualitativa sobre a produção científica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão do Cuidado em Enfermagem- Modalidade Profissional, em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, no período de 2009 a 2022, com base nas dissertações publicadas em diretório público. Resultados: foram analisadas cinco dissertações que aplicaram a totalidade ou parte da abordagem design thinking ao desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços propostos. Todos os estudos visam solucionar problemas identificados nos contextos profissionais dos pesquisadores. Os estudos geraram informações, dados, produtos, processos e metodologias de cuidado de enfermagem. Conclusão: design thinking é um importante referencial para a atuação do enfermeiro na área da pesquisa e desenvolvimento, além de contribuir para a formação de profissionais que almejam resolução dos problemas complexos existentes no campo da assistência, gestão, educação e pesquisa em saúde.

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the application of design thinking to the scientific production of a Postgraduate Nursing Program. Method: This is a documentary, descriptive, retrospective, and qualitative study of the scientific production of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing Care Management - Professional Modality, in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, from 2009 to 2022, based on dissertations published in a public directory. Results: Five academic master's theses were analyzed that applied all or part of the design thinking approach to the development of proposed products/services. All the studies aimed to solve problems identified in the researchers' professional contexts. The studies generated information, data, products, processes, and methodologies for nursing care. Conclusion: design thinking is an important reference point for nurses in the field of research and development, as well as contributing to the training of professionals who aim to solve complex problems in the field of health care, management, education, and research.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la aplicación del design thinking a la producción científica de un Programa de Postgrado en Enfermería. Método: se trata de un estudio documental, descriptivo, retrospectivo y cualitativo de la producción científica del Programa de Posgrado en Gestión de Cuidados de Enfermería - Modalidad Profesional, en Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, de 2009 a 2022, a partir de disertaciones publicadas en directorio público. Resultados: fueron analizadas cinco disertaciones que aplicaron total o parcialmente el abordaje de design thinking al desarrollo de productos/servicios propuestos. Todos los estudios tenían como objetivo resolver problemas identificados en los contextos profesionales de los investigadores. Los estudios generaron información, datos, productos, procesos y metodologías para los cuidados de enfermería. Conclusión: el design thinking es un importante punto de referencia para las enfermeras en el campo de la investigación y el desarrollo, además de contribuir a la formación de profesionales que aspiran a resolver problemas complejos en el ámbito de la atención de la salud, la gestión, la educación y la investigación.

Medisur ; 21(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440630


El presente artículo tiene como objetivo valorar la necesidad de acercarse al conocimiento de la ciencia de frontera, como alternativa de búsqueda transformadora para los complejos problemas actuales. La reflexión realizada se centra en el referente de la complejidad, con el abordaje de pensadores que, a modo de confluencias y disentimientos, se articulan en la toma de conciencia sobre el desplazamiento de la enunciación, en el plano metodológico de la ciencia actual. Se brindan reflexiones sobre aportes y limitaciones de la ciencia moderna, los nuevos escenarios de debate epistemológico que se abren a nivel internacional, a partir de urgencias de un mundo colapsado, inmerso en la cuarta revolución tecnológica, pero incapaz de solucionar las necesidades más perentorias de la vida.

The objective of this article is to assess the need to approach the knowledge of frontier science, as a transformative search alternative for today's complex problems. The reflection carried out focuses on the referent of complexity, with the approach of thinkers who, as confluences and dissents, are articulated in the awareness of the displacement of the enunciation, in the methodological field of current science. Reflections are offered on the contributions and limitations of modern science, the new scenarios of epistemological debate that are opening at the international level, from the urgencies of a collapsed world, immersed in the fourth technological revolution, but unable to solve the most urgent needs of life.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 699-702, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990689


High-quality clinical research is an important method to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment, promote discipline construction, and expand the frontier of medicine. In recent years, multi-center clinical studies in colorectal surgery in China have increased, and the level of clinical research has gradually improved, accumulating a wealth of clinical research experience. Innovative research topics and scientific design are the foundations of high-quality clinical research. Standardization of surgical techniques and quality control at all steps of the study are key to high-quality research. At the same time, researchers should establish a data management system, select appropriate data collection systems, and conduct regular data checks and feedback to ensure the quality of research data. Fully utilizing the advantages of case resources and further enhancing clinical research capabilities will provide assistance in promoting high-quality clinical research in the field of colorectal surgery in China. The authors summarize the experience of high-quality clinical research in colorectal surgery at home and abroad, in order to further promote the development of high-quality clinical research in China.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1201-1203, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990318


This commentary summarized the development trend of scientific research in the field of maternal and child health in China, based on the requirements of scientific innovation in the field of health care in China and the development goals of maternal and child health in the next ten years. Scientific research should be based on China's reality and solve China's problems; based on evidence-based evidence and promote its application and promotion; conduct interdisciplinary cooperation and promote the integrated development of disciplines; focus on academic frontiers and broaden international horizons.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 546-548, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990216


Scientific research design is the premise of scientific research, and also an important concern of the editor in the process of nursing paper review. It plays a vital role in the quality of nursing papers and the recruitment of the editorial department. Aiming at the common problems of scientific research design encountered by the editors during the review of nursing papers, this paper analyzes them from two aspects: the overall unreasonable scientific research design and the unscientific scientific research design process, in combination with cases, in order to provide help for nursing staff in writing papers.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 242-245, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959756


OBJECTIVE To construct the evaluation index system for scientific research ability of hospital pharmacists, and provide reference for the improvement of hospital pharmacists’ scientific research ability and the formulation of relevant scientific research policies. METHODS The relevant indexes of scientific research evaluation of hospital pharmacists were extracted by literature analysis, and consultation questionnaire was designed according to Likert grade 5 scoring method. Delphi method was used to conduct two rounds of questionnaire consultation for 28 experts, and the weight of each index was determined by analytic hierarchy process. The reliability and validity of index system were analyzed by questionnaire survey. RESULTS After two rounds of expert correspondence, evaluation index system for scientific research ability of hospital pharmacists was finally determined from three core dimensions: basic scientific research ability, scientific research achievements and transformation ability, academic influence and personnel training (including 11 sub-dimensions and 34 measurement items). The weight value of each dimension index was determined. The result of reliability and validity analysis confirmed the scientific rationality of the index system. CONCLUSIONS The established evaluation index system for scientific research ability of hospital pharmacists is innovative, comprehensive and scientific. The index system model can provide reference for the improvement of hospital pharmacists’ scientific research ability and the formulation of relevant scientific research policies.

Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 30: e22021823en, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520923


ABSTRACT The Alberta infant motor scale (AIMS) is an instrument for assessing the gross motor development of newborns, aged 0-18 months. This study aimed to summarize the Brazilian studies that used the AIMS and identify their objectives to know the main uses of the scale for professionals interested in child motor development. This is a bibliometric study on SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The searched keywords were "Alberta infant motor scale" and "Brazil," with their equivalents in Portuguese and united by "AND." Inclusion criteria were: use of AIMS with children aged 0-18 months carried out in Brazil. The variables database, journal, year of publication, language, region of the institution linked to the authors, and type of study were analyzed in a descriptive quantitative manner. Content analysis was performed on the objectives described in the articles. In total, 79 articles were included and most of them had a cross-sectional design and were linked to institutions in the South and Southeast regions. Furthermore, most studies were from the last 10 years and in English. The journal Fisioterapia e Pesquisa was the Brazilian journal that most published studies of the sample. The analyzed objectives were distributed into six word classes, with two large groups: psychometric validity (19.1%) and evaluative studies (80.9%). The latter considered the various child populations analyzed. We presented studies that used the AIMS to evaluate the motor development of Brazilian children, reinforcing the importance of this instrument in the national context and also encouraging its use.

RESUMEN La Escala Motora Infantil de Alberta (AIMS) es un instrumento que evalúa el desarrollo motor grueso de los recién nacidos de entre 0 y 18 meses de edad. Este estudio pretendió hacer una síntesis de estudios brasileños que utilizaron la AIMS, así como identificar sus objetivos, con el fin de proporcionar una tabla de los principales usos de la escala a los profesionales interesados en el desarrollo motor infantil. Se trata de un estudio bibliométrico, en el que se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos SciELO, PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Los descriptores utilizados fueron "escala motora infantil de Alberta" y "Brasil", con sus equivalentes en inglés, unidos por el término booleano "AND". El criterio de inclusión fue la aplicación de la AIMS en Brasil, con niños de entre 0 y 18 meses. Las variables base de datos, revista, año de publicación, idioma, región de la institución vinculada a los autores y tipo de estudio se analizaron de manera cuantitativa y descriptiva. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de los objetivos descritos en los estudios, y se incluyeron 79 estudios, de los cuales la mayoría presentó un diseño transversal y estaba vinculado a instituciones de las regiones Sur y Sudeste de Brasil. La mayoría de las publicaciones son de los últimos 10 años, en inglés, y la revista Fisioterapia e Pesquisa fue la revista nacional que más publicó estudios. Los objetivos analizados se dividieron en seis clases de palabras, que contienen dos grupos principales: validez psicométrica (19,1%) y estudios evaluativos (80,9%). Este último tuvo en cuenta las diversas poblaciones infantiles analizadas. Este estudio presentó las investigaciones que evaluaron la AIMS respecto al desarrollo motor de los niños brasileños. Esto destaca la importancia del citado instrumento en el contexto nacional, además estimula su uso.

RESUMO A Alberta infant motor scale (AIMS) é um instrumento de avaliação do desenvolvimento motor grosso dos recém-nascidos entre 0 e 18 meses de idade. Este estudo buscou sumarizar as pesquisas brasileiras que utilizaram a AIMS e identificar seus objetivos, a fim de fornecer um quadro das principais utilizações da escala aos profissionais interessados no desenvolvimento motor infantil. Trata-se de um estudo bibliométrico realizado por meio de buscas nas bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, e Web of Science. Os descritores foram "escala motora infantil de Alberta" e "Brasil", com seus equivalentes em inglês, unidos pelo termo booleano "AND". O critério de inclusão foi a utilização da AIMS no Brasil, com crianças de 0 a 18 meses. As variáveis base de dados, revista, ano de publicação, idioma, região da instituição vinculada aos autores e tipo de estudo foram analisadas de forma quantitativa descritiva. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo dos objetivos descritos nas pesquisas, e foram incluídos 79 estudos, a maioria dos quais apresentou delineamento transversal e estava vinculada a instituições das regiões Sul e Sudeste. Boa parte das publicações era dos últimos 10 anos, em inglês, e a revista Fisioterapia e Pesquisa foi o periódico nacional que mais publicou estudos referentes à amostra. Os objetivos analisados foram distribuídos em seis classes de palavras, contidas em dois grandes grupos: validades psicométricas (19,1%) e estudos avaliativos (80,9%). Este último considerou as várias populações infantis analisadas. O estudo apresentou as pesquisas que utilizaram a AIMS para avaliar o desenvolvimento motor de crianças brasileiras. Isso reforça a importância deste instrumento no contexto nacional, além de estimular sua utilização.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33061, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521316


Resume O papel que a ciência tem cumprido em relação à pandemia da Covid-19 está em franca discussão no Brasil e no mundo. Considerando a necessidade de aprofundar o debate sobre as concepções de ciência no presente contexto, assim como suas consequências, o objetivo deste ensaio é discutir, a partir de referenciais da epistemologia, o problema da demarcação entre ciência e não ciência, os programas de pesquisa científica e o negacionismo na pandemia. Na primeira parte do texto, apresenta-se a discussão da demarcação entre ciência e não ciência, com destaque para a proposição do filósofo Imre Lakatos sobre os programas de pesquisa científica e sua relação com as pesquisas sobre a Covid-19. Na segunda parte, argumenta-se sobre o negacionismo na pandemia da Covid-19 e sua relação com a necropolítica e o neofascismo. Por fim, discute-se a necessidade de incorporação da interdisciplinaridade, participação ativa dos sujeitos e garantia dos direitos humanos em programas de pesquisa científica sobre a Covid-19, assim como em outros temas de saúde pública.

Abstract The role that science has played in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic is in frank discussion in Brazil and in the world. Considering the need to deepen the debate on the conceptions of science in the present context, as well as its consequences, this essay aims to discuss, from epistemological references, the problem of the demarcation between science and non-science, scientific research programs and denialism in the pandemic. In the first part of the text, the discussion of the demarcation between science and non-science is presented, with emphasis on the proposition of philosopher Imre Lakatos on scientific research programs and their relationship with research on Covid-19. In the second part, an argument is made about denialism in the Covid-19 pandemic and its relationship with necropolitics and neo-fascism. Finally, the need to incorporate interdisciplinarity, the active participation of subjects and the guarantee of human rights in scientific research programs on Covid-19, as well as in other public health topics, is discussed.Resumo: O papel que a ciência tem cumprido em relação à pandemia da Covid-19 está em franca discussão no Brasil e no mundo. Considerando a necessidade de aprofundar o debate sobre as concepções de ciência no presente contexto, assim como suas consequências, o objetivo deste ensaio é discutir, a partir de referenciais da epistemologia, o problema da demarcação entre ciência e não ciência, os programas de pesquisa científica e o negacionismo na pandemia. Na primeira parte do texto, apresenta-se a discussão da demarcação entre ciência e não ciência, com destaque para a proposição do filósofo Imre Lakatos sobre os programas de pesquisa científica e sua relação com as pesquisas sobre a Covid-19. Na segunda parte, argumenta-se sobre o negacionismo na pandemia da Covid-19 e sua relação com a necropolítica e o neofascismo. Por fim, discute-se a necessidade de incorporação da interdisciplinaridade, participação ativa dos sujeitos e garantia dos direitos humanos em programas de pesquisa científica sobre a Covid-19, assim como em outros temas de saúde pública.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525741


Introdução: No Brasil, a legislação exige maturação mínima de 60 dias para queijos produzidos com leite cru, salvo se houver comprovação científica de que a redução do prazo não compromete a segurança do produto, como ocorreu com alguns queijos artesanais tradicionais de diferentes regiões do estado de Minas Gerais. No estado de São Paulo, onde os produtores seguem formulações e processos específicos individuais, a falta de um padrão de pesquisa validado dificulta a avaliação da segurança microbiológica deste tipo de queijo, pois essas pesquisas são dispendiosas e não há garantia de que os parâmetros estabelecidos pelos pesquisadores seriam aceitos pelos serviços de inspeção. Objetivo: Para abordar este desafio, esta proposta visa estabelecer um modelo de pesquisa científica padronizado para avaliar a segurança de queijos de leite cru maturados por menos de 60 dias. Métodos: Com base na proposta do DIPOA para classificação de Risco de Estabelecimentos, foi criado um checklist para classificação dos estabelecimentos/produtos, considerando risco do produto, volume processado e características de desempenho do estabelecimento em relação às Boas Práticas de Fabricação.  Resultados: A pontuação obtida pela aplicação do checklist na produção do queijo em questão determina o risco do produto como baixo, médio, alto ou muito alto e auxilia no estabelecimento do número mínimo de amostras a serem avaliadas mensalmente. Discussão: Espera-se que essa pesquisa auxilie produtores e órgãos de registro, fiscalização e inspeção no processo de legalização dos queijos artesanais de leite cru, possibilitando o desenvolvimento rural e a fixação de mão de obra no campo. (AU)

Introduction: In Brazil, the legislation requires a minimum ripening period of 60 days for raw milk cheeses, unless scientific evidence shows that the reduction in the ripening time does not compromise food safety, as seen with traditional artisanal cheeses from the state of Minas Gerais. In the state of Sao Paulo, where many producers have developed their own specific formulations and processes, the lack of a standardized validated research protocol for these types of cheese hinders their microbiological safety evaluation, since this type of research is costly and there are no guarantees that the parameters stablished by the researchers would be accepted by the inspection services. Objectives: To address this challenge, this proposal aims to stablish a standardized scientific research protocol for assessing the safety of raw milk cheeses ripened for less than 60 days. Methods: Based on the DIPOA (Department of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin) risk classification model for establishments, a checklist was created to categorize establishments/products, taking into consideration the product's risk, processed volume, and the establishment's performance assessed on the basis of good manufacturing practices. Results: The score obtained through the checklist application determines the final risk level of the product, categorized as low, medium, high, or very high, and helps determining the minimum number of samples to be evaluated monthly. Discussion: This research protocol may help producers, regulatory, inspection, and registration bodies in the legalization process of raw milk artisanal cheeses, enabling rural development and fixation of workforce in rural settings. (AU)

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(1): e20, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423146


Resumo: Introdução: A mentoria é uma estratégia acadêmica que está cada vez mais presente no curso de Medicina por promover benefícios, como a criação de ambientes de acolhimento e afetividade, e discussão de conteúdos médicos e de temas relacionados à formação profissional. Entretanto, pouco se discute acerca dessa estratégia com finalidades científicas. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos descrever a implementação do programa de mentorias científicas, investigar a percepção dos estudantes sobre a sua implantação e execução, além de mensurar indicadores de êxito. Método: Trata-se de estudo seccional descritivo, realizado em um curso de graduação em Medicina, localizado em Salvador/Bahia. Foram incluídos estudantes do terceiro ao quarto ano da graduação. Aplicou-se um questionário virtual, estruturado, anônimo, com perguntas objetivas relacionadas ao perfil discente, às percepções sobre o programa de mentorias científicas e à publicação dos trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC). Resultado: Dos 143 estudantes participantes, houve predominância de solteiros (90,9%), pardos (46,2%), do sexo feminino (72,0%), com idade de 25,3 ± 5,54 anos, que não participaram de programas de iniciação científica (88,8%). Dentre aqueles que participaram das mentorias (n = 101), 97,1% afirmaram que elas contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do TCC, 98,0% se mostraram favoráveis à manutenção de sua oferta e 85,0% consideraram a estratégia inovadora. No recorte temporal de dois semestres letivos, apresentaram-se 131 TCC, dos quais 27,5% foram publicados contando com a participação de 19 professores, com média de 1,89 produção/professor. Conclusão: Os estudantes de Medicina são favoráveis à implementação do sistema de mentorias científicas, tendo essa estratégia se mostrado factível e eficaz.

Abstract: Introduction: Mentoring is an academic strategy that is increasingly present in the medical course, as it promotes benefits such as the creation of welcoming and affective environments, discussion of medical content and topics related to professional training. However, little is discussed about this strategy for scientific purposes. Objectives: To describe the implementation of the scientific mentoring program, investigate the students' perception of its implementation and performance, in addition to measuring success indicators. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study carried out in an undergraduate medical course, located in Salvador/Bahia. Students from the 3rd to the 4th year of undergraduate school were included. A virtual, structured, anonymous questionnaire was applied, with objective questions related to the students' profile, their perceptions in relation to the scientific mentorship program and the publication of the Term Paper (TP). Results: Of the 143 participating students, there was a predominance of single (90.9%), brown (46.2%), female individuals (72.0%), aged 25.3±5.54 years, those who did not participate in Undergraduate Research programs (88.8%). Among those who participated in mentorships (n=101), 97.1% considered that they contributed to the development of the TP, 98.0% are in favor of maintaining its offer and 85.0% consider the strategy to be innovative. In the time frame of two academic semesters, 131 TPs were presented, of which 27.5% were published with the participation of 19 teachers, with an average of 1.89 productions/teacher. Conclusion: Medical students are in favor of implementing the scientific mentoring system, and this strategy has shown to be feasible and effective.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(3): e092, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449635


Resumo: Introdução: O conhecimento sobre pesquisa científica e a compreensão dela são habilidades que devem ser desenvolvidas por todos os profissionais de saúde. Especificamente na Medicina, essas habilidades compõem uma parcela importante da graduação e da educação médica continuada. Considerando que a formação médica possui estreita relação com a compreensão sobre evidências científicas, torna-se relevante analisar o envolvimento dos estudantes de Medicina com as atividades científicas durante o curso. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar o interesse e o envolvimento em pesquisas científicas entre os estudantes de Medicina por meio da análise do perfil acadêmico e das atividades extracurriculares realizadas, avaliar a produção científica e identificar as motivações e dificuldades enfrentadas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com estudantes de Medicina de Salvador, na Bahia, maiores de 18 anos. Aplicou-se, por meio do Microsoft Forms, um questionário virtual, estruturado e anônimo contendo 21 perguntas acerca do perfil acadêmico e das atividades extracurriculares realizadas, além de dados sobre a produção científica e as motivações e dificuldades enfrentadas pelos estudantes. Resultado: Dos 460 estudantes participantes, houve predominância de mulheres (63,3%), com idade de 24,1+6,1 anos, cursando os ciclos básico (45,4%) e clínico (46,7%), que não possuem desejo prévio de trabalhar com pesquisa (54,8%). Dentre os participantes, 54,6% integraram ligas acadêmicas, 31,1% possuem envolvimento com grupos de pesquisa e 29,1% participaram de monitoria. Verificou-se que apenas 33,9% dos estudantes possuem resumos publicados em congressos, 12,2% são coautores de artigos científicos e 7,4% são autores principais. O interesse em trabalhar com pesquisa aumenta durante a graduação (p = 0,010), estando os estudantes motivados para produzir cientificamente (66,1%). A experiência em pesquisa (27,4%) e o interesse genuíno na descoberta científica (20,9%) foram os principais fatores motivadores. Entretanto, 81,1% dos discentes identificaram dificuldades para produzir conteúdo científico e apontaram como empecilhos a orientação inadequada (16,0%) e a falta de tempo (15,5%). Não foi observada relação entre a motivação e a dificuldade para produzir cientificamente e o ciclo acadêmico em curso. Conclusão: Os estudantes de Medicina demonstram interesse e participação em pesquisa científica, entretanto aqueles que, de fato, estão envolvidos com atividades científicas representam a minoria.

Abstract: Introduction: Knowledge and understanding of scientific research are skills that must be developed by all health professionals. Specifically in Medicine, these skills make up an important part of undergraduate and continuing medical education. Considering that medical training is closely related to the understanding of scientific evidence, it becomes relevant to analyze the involvement of medical students with scientific activities during the course. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the interest and involvement in scientific research among medical students, analyzing the academic profile and the extracurricular activities carried out, in addition to evaluating the scientific production and identifying the motivations and difficulties faced. Method: A cross-sectional study carried out with medical students from Salvador/Bahia, over 18 years of age. A virtual, structured, anonymous questionnaire was applied through Microsoft Forms, containing 21 questions about the academic profile and extracurricular activities carried out, in addition to data on scientific production and the motivations and difficulties faced by students. Result: Of the 460 participating students, there was a predominance of women (63.3%), aged 24.1+6.1 years, attending the basic (45.4%) and clinical (46.7%) cycles, who have no previous desire to work with research (54.8%). Among the participants, 54.6% were part of academic leagues, 31.1% were involved in research groups and 29.1% participated in monitoring. It was found that only 33.9% of students have abstracts published in congresses, 12.2% are co-authors of scientific articles and 7.4% are main authors. Interest in working with research increases during graduation (p = 0.010), with students motivated to produce scientifically (66.1%). Research experience (27.4%) and genuine interest in scientific discovery (20.9%) were the main motivating factors. However, 81.1% of students identify difficulties in producing scientific content, with inadequate guidance (16.0%) and lack of time (15.5%) being the main obstacles. No relationship was observed between motivation and difficulty to produce scientifically and the current academic cycle. Conclusion: Medical students show interest and participation in scientific research, however those who are actually involved in scientific activities represent the minority.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 626-628, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996284


The great progress of medical science cannot be made without a large number of clinical scientific researches. Clinician is the main body of clinical scientific research, and thus improving the scientific research ability of clinicians plays an important role in the promotion of medical level. How to seek scientific research ideas in clinical practice is a realistic problem which confronts clinicians. This paper summarizes the ideas of clinical research combining with the characteristics of good research topics and the ways to find clinical problems for clinical research.

Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ; (12): 124-128, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996047


As an important element of medical and health sector innovation, the translation of scientific and technological achievements plays a key role in promoting their clinical application and meeting the medical needs of the people. The authors sorted out the problems in such translation at these affiliated hospitals in terms of " people", " finance", " material", and " system". Starting from 2017, the Tenth People′s Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University has explored such practices as establishing hospital-led clinical medical science and technology innovation parks and technology service limited companies. These practices aimed to address the issues of insufficient hospital scientific and technological innovation capabilities and the gap between the hospital′s operation mechanism to translate its scientific and technological achievements and the enterprises and the market. The clinical medical science and technology innovation park integrating administration, industry, education, research, medicine and application, has taken multiple measures to attract excellent research talents and projects from within and beyond the hospital, promote the implementation of innovative scientific research projects. The hospital also established a health industry mode with engagement of social capital from large enterprises. The Technology Services Co., Ltd. was based on the incubation and translation of hospital achievements, combining market and clinical needs, promoting multi-party cooperation between hospitals and external enterprises, improving the chain operation mechanism of hospital scientific and technological achievements translation work, and alleviating the problem of insufficient research pilot funds and productibility funds by means of hospital-led fundraising. The number of patent authorizations of hospitals had increased from 23 cases in 2018 to 105 in 2022, and the amount of patent conversion had increased from 2 million yuan in 2020 to 11 million yuan in 2022. It is recommended that affiliated hospitals of universities further improve the organizational structure of achievement translation, strengthen their professional talent teams, improve their operation mechanism of achievement translation, build a platform for medical school-enterprise cooperation, and improve the evaluation mechanism of translation assessment, in order to promote a virtuous cycle of hospital′s scientific and technological achievement translation work.

Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ; (12): 42-45, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996032


In recent years, some large public hospitals in China had successively opened scientific research outpatients to provide consulting services for clinical research, but there were generally problems such as insufficient audience and single role of expert teams. In July 2021, Shanghai Clinical Research Center established a multidisciplinary scientific research outpatient for the entire clinical research cycle, providing medical staffs with such services as clinical research design and project application, paper revision and achievement transformation. It also provided clerkship for medical students on campus to cultivate their standardized clinical research thinking. As of July 2022, the outpatient had provided research consulting services 16 times, teaching 8 class hours to medical students, and collaborated to solve multi-dimensional clinical research practical problems throughout the entire cycle, such as clinical trial design, project application, and paper publication. Good results had been achieved by this outpatient to provide reference for promoting the development of scientific research outpatients in China and improving the clinical research level of hospitals.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 285-292, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995870


Objective:The three-step model of ″new nurse, professional group nurse, and clinical nurse specialist″ combines the clinical professional nursing group to promote the development of clinical nurse research capabilities and the construction of nursing research teams.Methods:A three-step model of ″new nurse, professional group nurse, and clinical nurse specialist″ was established by combining the individual development of nurses and team collaboration. Taking the clinical professional nursing group as the entry point, clinical work of the clinical professional nursing group, quality control of clinical professional nursing groups, quality control circle activities, nurse career development, and nursing research team building were integrated to implement the three-step model, thereby driving the development of clinical nurses′ research capacity and nursing research team construction. The methods of the three-step model combined with clinical professional nursing groups to promote the development of clinical nurse research capabilities and the construction of nursing research teams were implemented. The following were the eleven specific management measures: Improving the structure and echelon construction of clinical professional nursing groups, developing research plans and goals from four dimensions (departments, clinical professional nursing groups, individual nurses, and new nurses), carrying out nursing research training to clinical professional nursing groups that emphasizes both theriotical methods and practical operations, organizing nursing research projects by clinical professional nursing groups, promoting the innovation of work towards digitization and informatization, promoting clinical professional nursing groups to conduct interventional studies, launching quality control circle projects by clinical professional nursing groups, participating in and hosting nursing rounds by clinical professional nursing groups, improving the clinical technical problem by The clinical professional nursing groups, encouraging collaboration and communication between clinical professional nursing groups and physicians, facilitating the cross-integration and development of clinical professional nursing groups.Results:The three-step model has promoted the growth of nurses from the route of ″new nurse, professional group nurse, and clinical nurse specialist″, built a nursing research team and talent echelon based on the breakthrough of clinical professional nursing groups, and solved clinical practical problems and produced scientific research results.Conclusions:Implementing the three-step model combined with clinical professional nursing groups to promote the development of clinical nurse research capabilities and the construction of nursing research teams can promote the collaborative development of clinical nursing research and clinical nursing work.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 266-272, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995867


Objective:To explore the innovation mode of independent transformation-oriented science and technology research program approval by medical new research & development (R&D) institution.Methods:Through analyzing the program layout, funds, review experts, undertaking units, chief experts and interdisciplinarity to summarize the experiences of the independent transformation-oriented municipal program approval by Haihe laboratory of Cell Ecosystem in 2022.Results:As a new medical R&D institution, which vigorously constructed by Tianjin, Haihe laboratory of Cell Ecosystem has carried out the practice of the independent transformation-oriented municipal program through the measures of layout of full-chain transformation, conducting transformation-oriented review, gathering high-level research talents, and emphasizing interdisciplinarity.Conclusions:The experiences of Haihe laboratory of Cell Ecosystem make significance for medical new R&D institutions to explore and cultivate scientific research program with transformation potential and to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, which are powerful factors for new R&D institutions to play a role of pilot and provide important support to scientific and technological innovation and transformation.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 220-224, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995859


Objective:This study aims to explore the possible development path of hospital research assistants in China based on the cognition of the demand and management status quo from research management personnel in tertiary hospitals.Methods:62 scientific research management personnel from all over the country were surveyed, data about their cognition and the current status of scientific research assistants, that including the willingness of employ, position cognition, eligibility and competence, quantity and efficiency, management implementation, influencing factors and difficulties in team development, were collected and analyzed. Regarding to the practical needs and management status, the results were described by frequency, percentage and average score, and the rank sum test was used to verify whether there was any difference in the employment intention between the management department and the project team in the cognition of the survey subjects.Results:From the perspective of scientific research managers, there is a strong willingness at hospital level to employ the research assistant, positions require applicants with bachelor′s degree or above in medicine or other related majors. The most urgent needs are management of project funds, equipment and consumables, research integrity and ethics.The interviewees who work with research assistants think that the effect of research assistants on improving scientific research efficiency is obvious.However, the percentage of formulation of research assistants management measures is less than 40%, and the percentages of uniformly organized training and assessment are relatively low. There are still problems and challenges, such as incomplete cognition of the positioning and function, incomplete functional and vocational system, imperfect incentive mechanism and insufficient support for ability cultivation and improvement.Conclusions:It′s necessary to strengthen the top-down design of the development of scientific research assistant team and the construction of career system, improve the management basis and implementation mechanism, supporting resources should be in place, and promote capacity building system in order to develop a long-term mechanism of mutual promotion between the team building of scientific research assistants and the innovation of hospital scientific research management.